

Establishing CARO as an International Non-Profit Organization






Welcome to a journey of transformation, where dreams meet reality and aspirations take flight. We are pleased to present this proposal, a testament to our vision and commitment to establish CARO (Care for Assets, Resources, and Obligations) as an international non-profit organization. CARO aims to empower individuals and communities through education, advocacy, and capacity-building initiatives. Our primary focus is fostering democracy and development. Our mission is to illuminate paths, inspire change, and cultivate a brighter tomorrow, starting with our first target country, Bangladesh.




Bangladesh, despite its rich cultural heritage and boundless potential, faces numerous challenges in terms of political stability, economic growth, and social development. The need for skilled leadership, democratic values, and inclusive governance has never been more acute.


CARO emerges as a beacon of hope amidst these challenges, driven by a singular mission to empower individuals and communities. With a focus on nurturing effective leadership and fostering democratic principles, CARO seeks to address the urgent needs of Bangladesh. By empowering the youth to become catalysts for change, CARO aims to pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for all.



Our Vision


We envisions a world where every person leads, innovates, and creates positive change, shaping a resilient, progressive, and inclusive society



Mission and Objectives:


CARO is dedicated to empowering individuals with the tools and resources to lead transformative action in their communities. Our mission is to foster democracy, nurture leadership, and advocate for social justice, creating a world where every voice is heard, every dream is nurtured, and every individual thrives.


Focusing on:

  1. Comprehensive Training: Empower people, especially youth, with leadership training and educational programs, emphasizing political education for influential leadership.
  2. Research and Advocacy: Address critical social, economic, and political issues through evidence-based advocacy for positive change.
  3. Civic Engagement: Foster active citizenship and democratic values among individuals through community participation.



Mission Statement

Empower minds with comprehensive leadership training and educational programs. Advocate for evidence-based policy solutions on critical issues. Foster active citizenship and democratic values.


  • To offer immersive leadership training, specifically focusing on politics and capacity building programs like governance.

  • To advocate for democratic principles, human rights, and social justice.

  • To conduct research and advocacy on issues related to democracy, governance, and sustainable development.

  • Collaborate with government agencies, civil society organizations, academia, and international partners to amplify our impact and achieve our mission.



Target Country





  • Bangladesh has been selected as CARO's first target country due to its strategic importance, urgent need for democratic reforms, and potential for positive change.


  • The political landscape in Bangladesh presents significant challenges, including a lack of effective leadership, limited civic engagement, and human rights concerns. So, CARO recognizes the urgency of addressing pressing issues such as political instability, economic disparity, and social injustice in Bangladesh.


  • Together with the people of Bangladesh, CARO aims to pave the way for a future where every individual can thrive, contributing to a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous society.



Proposed Initiatives:


  1. Leadership Training Program: Develop and implement a comprehensive leadership training program  to empower youth with the political knowledge, skills, and values necessary for effective leadership and community engagement.


  1.  Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns: Conduct advocacy campaigns and awareness-raising activities to promote democratic values, human rights, and civic engagement, sparking conversations and driving societal change among the Bangladeshi population.


  1. Partnership Development: Forge partnerships with local NGOs, educational institutions, government agencies, and international organizations to leverage resources, expertise, and networks for maximum impact.


  1. Research and Policy Advocacy: Conduct research on key issues affecting democracy and development in Bangladesh and use evidence-based advocacy to influence policy decisions and drive positive change.


  1. Community Engagement: Engage directly with communities at the grassroots level to understand their needs, priorities, and aspirations develop programs and initiatives to address their specific challenges and build local capacity for sustainable development.



Implementation Plan:


  • Establishment of CARO: Transform vision into reality by Registering CARO as an international non-profit organization with headquarters in the United States and operational presence in Bangladesh.


  • Recruitment of Staff: Recruit a team of dedicated professionals with expertise in leadership development, advocacy, research, and program management united by a shared commitment to CARO'S mission and values.  


  • Program Development: Develop and customize training modules, advocacy materials, and research methodologies to suit the context and needs of Bangladesh, guided by principles of inclusivity, equity, and sustainability.


  • Partnership Building: Identify and establish partnerships with key stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector, to amplify CARO's impact and reach.


  • Pilot Programs: Launch pilot programs in selected regions of Bangladesh to test the effectiveness of CARO's interventions, gather feedback and refine strategies for scalability and sustainability.


  • Capacity Building: Conduct capacity-building workshops and training sessions for local partners and community members, empowering them with the skills and knowledge to drive sustainable change in their communities.


  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track the progress and impact of CARO's programs, using data-driven insights to continuously improve and adapt strategies.


  • Sustainability Planning: Develop long-term sustainability plans, including fundraising strategies, partnership diversification, and organizational capacity-building, to ensure the continued success and impact of CARO's initiatives.



Budget and Funding:


CARO's journey towards empowerment and societal transformation relies on securing funding from a variety of sources:


  • Grants: We will actively pursue grants from foundations, NGOs, and governmental agencies that align with our mission and goals.


  • Donations: Individuals passionate about our cause can contribute through donations, supporting our efforts to drive positive change.


  • Corporate Sponsorships: Partnering with socially responsible corporations will provide opportunities for sponsorships, enabling us to implement impactful programs and initiatives.


  • Philanthropic Partnerships: Collaborating with philanthropic organizations allows us to leverage their resources and expertise to amplify our impact and reach.


  • Government Agencies: Seeking partnerships with government agencies interested in advancing democracy, governance, and community development initiatives will help secure additional funding and support.


CARO'S financial plan includes:


  • Operational Costs: Covering expenses such as office rent, utilities, and administrative fees to ensure the smooth functioning of CARO's operations.


  • Staff Salaries: Providing competitive salaries and benefits to attract and retain talented individuals dedicated to driving positive change.


  • Program Expenses: Allocating funds to support the implementation of our initiatives, including leadership training, advocacy campaigns, and community projects.


  • Capacity-Building: Investing in activities that enhance the skills and knowledge of our team and partners, enabling us to maximize our impact.


  • Research and Advocacy: Funding research projects and advocacy campaigns to deepen understanding and promote dialogue on critical societal issues.



Monitoring and Evaluation:


  • Establishing Foundations: CARO prioritizes the establishment of robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to meticulously track the progress and impact of our programs.


  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): We will identify and define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure outcomes and gauge the effectiveness of our interventions in realizing desired results.


  • Evaluating Effectiveness: Regular evaluations will be conducted to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of our initiatives, enabling us to make informed adjustments to program implementation strategies.


  • Insightful Reflection: Through diligent monitoring and evaluation, CARO will engage in insightful reflection, leveraging findings to refine approaches, address challenges, and capitalize on opportunities for greater impact.


  • Continuous Improvement: We are committed to a culture of continuous improvement, using monitoring and evaluation insights to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of our programs over time.


  • Transparency and Accountability: CARO upholds principles of transparency and accountability by sharing monitoring and evaluation findings with stakeholders, fostering trust, and facilitating informed decision-making.


  • Empowering Adaptation: By empowering adaptation based on monitoring and evaluation outcomes, CARO remains agile and responsive, ensuring our efforts remain aligned with our mission and responsive to evolving community needs.


  • Driving Results: Ultimately, our monitoring and evaluation efforts are aimed at driving results, catalyzing positive change, and maximizing the impact of our interventions in creating a better future for all.



Conclusion: Establishing CARO as an international non-profit organization represents a significant opportunity to contribute to the advancement of democracy and development in Bangladesh. By equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and resources to become effective leaders and change agents, CARO aims to create a more inclusive, just, and prosperous society. We extend an open invitation to potential donors, partners, and supporters to join us in this important endeavor. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions of Bangladeshis, shaping a brighter future for generations to come.


Thank you for considering our proposal and for your invaluable support in advancing our shared vision. 


 A N M Nuruddin 



Proposed Organizational Structure


Advisory Board (To be appointed): University teachers providing strategic guidance and expertise.


Founding Members (Lifetime):

  1. A N M Nuruddin
  2. Md Arafat Bin Yousuf
  3. Md Khaled Syfullah


Board of Directors:

  1. Chairperson: A N M Nuruddin
  2. Vice Chairperson: To be appointed
  3. Secretary: Md Khaled Syfullah
  4. Treasurer: Md Arafat Bin Yousuf
  5. Directors (Members): To be appointed


Executive Committee:

  1. Executive Director: A N M Nuruddin

  2. Project Manager: A N M Nuruddin, Md Arafat Bin Yousuf, Md Khaled Syfullah

  3. Finance Manager: Md Arafat Bin Yousuf

  4. Communications Manager: Md Khaled Syfullah

  5. Human Resources Manager: Md Khaled Syfullah


Responsibilities Allocation:

A N M Nuruddin (President & Executive Director):

  • Oversees overall operations of CARO.
  • Provides strategic direction and leadership.
  • Represents CARO in external engagements and partnerships.


Md Khaled Syfullah (Secretary & Communications Manager):

  • Manages internal and external communications.
  • Handles outreach activities and public relations.
  • Maintains records and documentation.


Md Arafat Bin Yousuf (Treasurer & Finance Manager):

  • Manages financial matters and budgeting.
  • Ensures compliance with financial regulations.
  • Prepares financial reports and forecasts.


A N M Nuruddin, Md Arafat Bin Yousuf, Md Khaled Syfullah (Project Managers):

  • Collaboratively oversee Project Crown and other initiatives.
  • Develop and implement project plans.
  • Monitor progress and evaluate outcomes.


Md Khaled Syfullah (Human Resources Manager):

  • Manages internships and staffing.
  • Recruits and trains personnel.
  • Handles personnel matters and ensures compliance with HR policies.


This proposed structure and responsibilities allocation reflect the dedication and expertise of CARO's founding members in driving the organization's mission forward.